Iberian Red Deer
Suborder: Ruminants
Family: Cervidae
Genus: Cervus
Specie: Cervus elaphus hispanicus
Body height: 4'60-4,90 ft / 140-150 cm
Weight: 220-530 lb / 100-240 kg
The Iberian Red Deer is the largest deer specie. In winter its coat is rough and thick of a grey-brown colour and a dark yellowish rump patch. In summer the coat is reddish-brown. Only stags have a thick neck and carry antlers. They start to grow in spring and are shed at the end of winter. Antlers grow huge with a rough surface and in case of the largest stags, the fourth or fifth tip form at the end a basket.
Red deer usually stay in the same sex group for all the year. During the rut, mature stags fight for the control of the harems.
The red deer is adapted to a woodland environment. Mainly a grazer, but browses to an extent. Feeds largely at night, resting by day in thick cover. Vision and hearing are excellent. It is a good runner.
All national territory and National Parks. We work in Toledo mountains, Teruel and Jaen Province.
Mountains forest, conifer wood, mixed woodland and open grassland.
Lodging is provided in small hotels and rural houses very close to the hunting area where you can enjoy wonderful meals.
Rutting period: 15th September - 20th October.
Hunting is arranged by stalking in Private Game Reserves. Driven hunt is possible as well.
Bronce Score | 190 | 180 |
Silver Score | 231 7/8 | 0 |
Gold Score | 254 5/8 | 183 3/8 |
Bronce Score | 165 to 172,99 | 165 to 172,99 |
Silver Score | 173 to 180,99 | 173 to 180,99 |
Gold Score | over 181 | over 181 |